Power of Heron's Formula: Calculating Triangles with Ease


Prabh Kirpa Classes

Language of video: EN (English)

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What are We Going to Teach:

 How to use Heron's Formula to calculate the area of a triangle using only the lengths of its sides.

Target Audience:
  • The students who are interested to learn about Heron's formula
Course objective:
  • What is Heron's formula and when this formula is used?
  • Whether the Heron's formula can always be used to find the area of right angled triangle?
  • How can we use the Heron's formula to calculate the area of Scalene Triangle?
  • How Heron's formula is used to find the area of Equilateral and Isosceles triangles?
Course prerequisites:
  • Basic understanding of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

Description :

1. Who is given the credit of Heron’s formula?

2. In questions, where height and base is given, we can find the area of triangle using a simple formula. What is that formula?

3. In cases when the height of triangle is difficult to calculate or is not given and all the three sides of triangle are given, which formula can be used to find the area of triangle?

4. What is Heron’s formula?

5. What is the meaning of semi-perimeter? How it is arrived at?

6. What is the meaning of perimeter? How it is calculated?

7. Write the names of some most common triangles.

8. What is the meaning of right-angled triangle?

9. In a right angled triangle, what is the name given to the side which is opposite to the right angle?

10. In a right angled triangle, one side is longest. What is the name given to other two sides of the triangle?

11. Whether we can use Heron’s formula to find the area of right angled triangle?

12. In case of right angled triangle where only base and height are given, can we use Heron’s formula to find the area of triangle?

13. What is the meaning of scalene triangle?

14. Can we use Heron’s formula to calculate the area of scalene triangle? Whether the length of two sides of scalene triangle will serve the purpose to find the area of triangle with the help of Heron’s formula?

15. What is meant by Equilateral Triangle?

16. If in an equilateral triangle, only the length of one side is given. Can we still use the Heron’s formula to calculate the area of triangle?

17. What is the meaning of Isosceles Triangle?

18. How many equal sides are there in an isosceles triangle?

19. What is the name given to the unequal side of isosceles triangle?

20. Can we use the Heron’s formula to calculate the area of isosceles triangle if the length of equal and unequal sides is given?

John Doe

Prabh Kirpa Classes

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Course Content : Expand all sections

  • 1 sections
  • 6 lectures
  • 00h 44m total length


After going through this course, the students will learn what is Heron’s formula and when this formula is used. The students will understand what are the most common types of triangles. They will understand whether the Heron’s formula can always be used to find the area of right angled triangle and if not, what is the precondition if they want to use Heron’s formula to find the area of right angled triangle. The students will understand with the help of examples as to how we can use Heron’s formula to calculate the area of scalene triangle, equilateral triangle and isosceles triangle.

1. Who is given the credit of Heron’s formula? 2. In questions, where height and base is given, we can find the area of triangle using a simple formula. What is that formula? 3. In cases when the height of triangle is difficult to calculate or is not given and all the three sides of triangle are given, which formula can be used to find the area of triangle? 4. What is Heron’s formula? 5. What is the meaning of semi-perimeter? How it is arrived at? 6. What is the meaning of perimeter? How it is calculated? 7. Write the names of some most common triangles.

1. What is the meaning of right-angled triangle? 2. In a right angled triangle, what is the name given to the side which is opposite to the right angle? 3. In a right angled triangle, one side is longest. What is the name given to other two sides of the triangle? 4. Whether we can use Heron’s formula to find the area of right angled triangle? 5. In case of right angled triangle where only base and height are given, can we use Heron’s formula to find the area of triangle?


1. What is the meaning of scalene triangle? 2. Can we use Heron’s formula to calculate the area of scalene triangle? Whether the length of two sides of scalene triangle will serve the purpose to find the area of triangle with the help of Heron’s formula?

1. What is meant by Equilateral Triangle? 2. If in an equilateral triangle, only the length of one side is given. Can we still use the Heron’s formula to calculate the area of triangle?

1. What is the meaning of Isosceles Triangle? 2. How many equal sides are there in an isosceles triangle? 3. What is the name given to the unequal side of isosceles triangle? 4. Can we use the Heron’s formula to calculate the area of isosceles triangle if the length of equal and unequal sides is given?

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